One out of every seven Pennsylvanians struggles with hunger.
When you’re not hungry yourself, it can be easy to go through your daily routine, not thinking about the people in your community who are struggling to put food on the table. Unfortunately, there are 1.76 million Pennsylvanians, including nearly 522,000 children who do not know for certain where their next meal will come from.
Each September, we shed light on hunger in Pennsylvania and call you to action to start conversations in your communities.
Here are 30 ways that you can fight hunger for #HungerActionMonth:
Send an email to your friends about Hunger Action Month.
Post this calendar at your workplace.
Make your Facebook profile “Turn Orange for Hunger Relief.”
Share photos of you and your friends wearing orange for Hunger Action Day.
Skip a meal, if you’re healthy enough, to understand how hunger feels.
Cool a meal with your kids and discuss the importance of fighting hunger.
Join folks across the USA and wear orange today!
Sign up for your local food bank’s newsletter or email list.
Make coffee at home and donate what you would have spent getting coffee out to your local food bank.
Grandparents Day! Send a donation to the food bank in their honor.
Donate a gas card to your local Meals on Wheels program.
Write an article about hunger for your community group’s newsletter.
Organize a neighborhood food donation.
Write a hunger message on a paper plate and post a photo on Facebook.
Write a letter to your elected official about hunger. Find their contact info here.
Adopt a family in need.
Take the SNAP Challenge. Live a week on the Food Stamp budget ($4.20/day).
Set an empty plate at dinner to serve as a visual reminder of those in need.
Volunteer at your local library to read children’s books about hunger awareness.
Tour your local food bank.
Schedule time to volunteer at your local food bank or food pantry.
Host a potluck dinner and discuss how you and your friends can fight hunger.
Challenge your friends to match your donation to your local food bank.
Contact your faith community about organizing a food drive.
Tell your friends and family what you can’t do on an empty stomach.
Post a hunger fact on your Facebook page.
Find and “like” your local food bank on Facebook.
Make a financial contribution to your local food bank.
Don’t stop here: Keep fighting hunger every day of the year!